Comprehensive gynecological consultation with expert diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and compassionate care for women's health concerns at every stage of life.
Expert counseling for reproductive health, pregnancy, menopause, and gynecological issues, ensuring informed decisions and emotional well-being for every patient.
Advanced gynecological surgeries, including scarless procedures, ensuring minimal pain, faster recovery, and optimal outcomes for various conditions.
State-of-the-art operation theatre equipped with modern technology, ensuring precision, safety, and excellence in gynecological and obstetric surgeries.
Advanced patient monitoring systems ensuring real-time tracking of vital signs for enhanced safety and precision during surgeries and critical medical procedures.
High-quality imported surgical instruments ensuring precision, safety, and superior outcomes in all gynecological procedures and surgeries.
Cutting-edge colposcopy technology for accurate cervical screening, early cancer detection, and effective management of conditions.
Minimally invasive procedure for diagnosing and treating uterine conditions, ensuring accurate assessment and quick recovery.
Advanced keyhole surgery for gynecological conditions, ensuring minimal scarring, reduced pain, and faster healing.
High-precision instrument for treating uterine fibroids with minimal discomfort and effective results.
High-resolution ultrasound imaging for accurate diagnosis of gynecological and pregnancy-related conditions.
Comprehensive laboratory services for accurate testing, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
Fully stocked pharmacy offering prescribed medications and essential healthcare products for patient convenience.
Expert virtual consultations providing accessible, high-quality, and personalized gynecological care from the comfort of your home.
Personalized diet and nutrition guidance for hormonal balance, pregnancy, weight management, and overall well-being.
Dr. Rajni Sao, a senior gynecologist and surgeon, specializes in scarless surgeries, high-risk pregnancies, and advanced gynecological care, ensuring expert, compassionate, and patient-centered treatment.